
cp、mvの現在状況を確認出来る『cv』コマンド | 俺的備忘録 〜なんかいろいろ〜

progress コマンド

$ git clone https://github.com/Xfennec/cv
$ cd cv
$ make
$ sudo make install


***@***-VJF152 / $ progress --help
progress - Coreutils Viewer
Shows progress on file manipulations (cp, mv, dd, ...)

Monitored commands (default):
cp mv dd tar cat rsync grep fgrep egrep cut sort md5sum sha1sum sha224sum sha256sum sha384sum sha512sum adb gzip gunzip bzip2 bunzip2 xz unxz lzma unlzma zcat bzcat lzcat 

Usage: progress [-qdwmM] [-W secs] [-c command] [-p pid]
  -q --quiet                 hides all messages
  -d --debug                 shows all warning/error messages
  -w --wait                  estimate I/O throughput and ETA (slower display)
  -W --wait-delay secs       wait 'secs' seconds for I/O estimation (implies -w, default=1.0)
  -m --monitor               loop while monitored processes are still running
  -M --monitor-continuously  like monitor but never stop (similar to watch progress)
  -c --command cmd           monitor only this command name (ex: firefox)
  -p --pid id                monitor only this process ID (ex: `pidof firefox`)
  -i --ignore-file file      do not report process if using file
  -o --open-mode {r|w}       report only files opened for read or write
  -v --version               show program version and exit
  -h --help                  display this help and exit

Multiple options allowed for: -c -p -i. Use PROGRESS_ARGS for permanent arguments.

$ progess -m