AIZU ONLINE JUDGE: Programming Challenge
0011 Drawing Lots
given = $<.readlines lines = [*0..given.first.to_i] given.drop(2).map {|x| x.split(",").map(&:to_i)}.each do |a, b| lines[a], lines[b] = lines[b], lines[a] end puts lines.drop(1)
0012 A Point in a Triangle
$<.readlines.each do |l| x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, xp, yp = xa, ya = xp - x1, yp - y1 xb, yb = x3 - x1, y3 - y1 xc, yc = x2 - x3, y2 - y3 r = xb * yc - xc * yb s = (yc * xa - xc * ya) / r u = (xb * ya - yb * xa) / r t = u / s puts((0 < s and s < 1 and 0 < t and t < 1) ? "YES" : "NO") end
0013 Switching Railroad Cars
stack = [] while (n = $<.gets) n = n.to_i if puts stack.pop else stack << n end end
0014 Integral
L = 600 $< do |d| puts (1..L / d - 1).map {|i| (i * d) ** 2 * d}.sum end
0015 National Budget
$<.readlines.drop(1).map(&:to_i).each_slice(2) do |a, b| st = (a + b).to_s puts((st.length <= 80) ? st : "overflow") end
0016 Treasure Hunt
x, y = 0, 0 θ = 90 loop do given = $<.gets.split(",").map(&:to_i) break if given == [0, 0] x += given[0] * Math.cos(Math::PI * θ / 180) y += given[0] * Math.sin(Math::PI * θ / 180) θ -= given[1] end puts x.to_i puts y.to_i
0017 Caesar Cipher
def decode(st, n) trans = ->(b) {(a = b - n) < 97 ? a + 26 : a} {|b| (b.between?(97, 122) ? trans.(b) : b).chr}.join end words = %w(the this that) table = (0..25).map do |i| {|w| {|b| ((a = b + i) > 122 ? a - 26 : a).chr}.join} end $<.readlines.each do |st| st.chomp! n = 0 table.each_with_index do |ws, i| ws.each {|w| n = i if st.include?(w)} end puts decode(st, n) end
0018 Sorting Five Numbers
puts $< {|a, b| b <=> a}.join(" ")
0019 Factorial
puts (1..$<.gets.to_i).inject(&:*)
0020 Capitalize
puts $<.gets.chomp.upcase